
Get your hotel back to business and making a profit

Safely welcome back guests

Delivering clean, fresh, healthy air and confidence to your guests.

The health and wellbeing of your guests and colleagues has always been paramount and never more so than now as you want them to return in complete confidence as your business resumes.

The expert help and innovation of OKTOair ensures the air quality within your premises is truly second-to-none and is comfortable, clean, fresh and a much safer environment.

Our revolutionary DFS (disinfecting filtration systems) technology is unique to the UK. Removing and killing 99.99% of all airborne pathogens and ultrafine particulate matter down to 0.007 micron, 10x smaller than the Coronavirus and 40x smaller than can be filtered and removed by the perceived industry-leading HEPA filters.

Testing of a proxy virus at 0.03 micron has proven 100% elimination, certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) after laboratory testing.

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